MCM ComicCon Birmingham 2015
The weekend saw us take on our first ComicCon experience, and what an experience it was! Thousands of people turned up to the NEC in Birmingham for the two day event, dressed from head-to-toe in some outrageously cool and creative costumes (or 'cosplay' as we learnt is the correct term to be using!).
We setup for our first ever event over in the far corner of the venue, initially worried that we'd be forgotten about, feeling slightly tucked away. But we were amazed at just how busy it got, with Saturday selling out at around 23,000 and Sunday feeling just as busy but figures suggesting only around 16,000, despite the presence of Hollywood superstar Liv Tyler, below, for the second day. Everyone seemed keen to scope out all the stalls and explore everything that was on offer.
Our stand, shown below, which we'd like to think was clearly branded so no-one could miss us, seemed constantly busy as people pondered which decal they wanted from our event-exclusive range which has now been uploaded here on the website (under the ComicCon Decals collection). Don't forget to let us know if we're missing the one you're after!
The experience was great fun taking in all the costumes and props, with everything from Assassins Creed to Zelda, inspiring individual creativity. Understandably we picked up a few pointers along the way; with many assuming the decals were just for cars, we were constantly reminding people what else they could be stuck too!
An exhausting two days but well worth the trip up from London, even if it was absolutely freezing outside! Feel free to comment below if you were there and let us know what you thought.
Here's to the next one where we'll hopefully be increasing our floorspace so we can offer more of our range and make sure no-one feels left out! Keep an eye out on our social media posts to see which event we'll be taking on next...